So.. you want us to state our political stance? Communist, or Capitalist....hmmm..Well truthfully I'm neither. I am an Imperialist. Lofty ideals, and so-called "freedom" is all wonderful, and good, but totally unrealistic. Human nature being as fractious as it is we will never become a socialist paradise, or a truly free capitalistic world. Only one form of government ever brought any kind of lasting peace to the many nations of the world. The Roman Imperial Republic. I speak not of the bloodthirsty despotism of the crazed emporers of the latter years, but rather of the shining republic with a vision that Rome started out as during its ascendancy to power. All resisted. Many bloody wars were fought, and for what? Independance? History tells us that most of the subjugated nations were more peaceful,prosperous, and civilized than ever before under Roman rule. Rome ruled. Rome protected. Rome brought wealth. Rome brought order to the eternal chaos of petty bickering and endless wars of the nations. Rome brought civility to barbarism. And although most flourished none of them chose this peace ,and prosperity by choice. Rome had to FORCE these virtues upon them. And all the world that was ruled by Rome was better for it. Pride. Independance. Race. Religion. Selfishness. This is what causes the wars of our world, and this what Rome came closer to overcoming than ANY other form of government in the history of our species. Ironic then is it not, that only force of arms can bring peace? However considering all the contradictions of human nature it really is not that strange. 1 nation. 1 world. 1 Race. If humanity could ever attain this we could overcome anything. However, I do not reserve hope that we will ever attain this ideal as a species. We are prone to self-destruction. We are already killing our very planet. I believe extinction is our fate, and that it will be sooner than many might think. But, if anything can save us I believe it will take force to fix our world, as force is the only thing humans respect. 1 nation must rise up, and seize control of its destiny, and then guide its wayward brothers to the path of unity. No negotiations,no talks. You WILL submit willingly, and for your own good, or you will be SUBDUED, and brought into line with the rest of our misguided species. There can be no mavericks, no diverging choices, or paths. We must go forth in unity if we are to thrive, and ultimately survive. War will be inevitable. Most if not all will resist the change, not realizing its for their own good. Yes there would be suffering,loss,pain, and misery, but when the dust has settled, and the guns have gone silent the phase of healing would begin. This may sound cold, but when weighed against the survival of our species what would the loss of 1, 2, or even 3 billion people matter? Forget your so-called morality, forget your foolish idealism. We live in a cruel, and harsh world. We are cruel. We are why it is harsh. Humanity must evolve past our primitive mind-sets. Only drastic actions taken by the brave, and committed can change our fate. I realize that this will piss people off. Grow up. Get real. Look around. Things are not getting better. Separate yourselves from irrational thought, and use reason. Idealism, and negotiations change nothing. Nothing permanent is gained. Alas, I truly doubt that any nation has the resolve, and clarity of thought to bring about this kind of change. After all, our governments are run by the same mindset that pervades humanity. Ignorance, and selfishness.
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just liked this one,when i found it i thought get it